Buying Trustworthy CBD Just Got Easier
Research Guides: Are you brand new to hemp and CBD? These easy to comprehend guides and articles will help. Read them and educate yourself before making any decisions to start using this miracle plant. -> Click Here
Brand Reviews: Trouble deciding which brand to purchase? These unbiased reviews of CBD oil brands explain everything worth knowing and more. Find out how which are great, good, and just plain awful. -> Click Here
Conditions and Treatments: Suffering from a specific condition and looking to take a more natural approach? Read these articles and find out whether or not hemp and CBD can help. Research-backed articles just for you. -> Click Here
Best CBD Products: Do you need help making purchasing decisions? No problem! Our Best CBD Oil buyers guide will help you find the perfect product that’s right for you at the right price. -> Click Here
Before diving into the, if you’re just looking for answers, then here are the top picks of 2021 (so far).
1. Most Potent – CBD Pure Oil
2. Favorite Gummies – Not Pot CBD
3. Best Quality – Charlotte’s CBD
4. Best Tasting – FOCL CBD
5. Best Full-Spectrum – Joy Organics
6. Best Organic – Leef Organics
7. Best Priced – Premium Jane
8. Best Dog Brand – King Kanine
Featured In…
Over the past five years, hemp, cannabis in general, and CBD oil have exploded. There are millions of Americans who are turning to these things in order to improve their life, health, and overall well-being.
While there are many uses for hemp, people today are primarily consuming this by ingesting it for life improvements. These graphs below show the trends that we’re seeing in the United States alone. As you can see, demand is HIGH.
Sure, it’s come down a little bit in trends, but that happens with everything as it spikes. The demand and trending is still very high today.

With the increasing trends, it should come as no surprise that companies are emerging daily to enter the hemp and CBD oil market. This is both good and bad…
Sure, it’s great to have lots of options, but there’s always going to be companies who are dishonest, trying to take advantage of consumers. This is why it’s extremely important to know the truth about each of these companies and whether or not they’re trustworthy.
Curious just how many hemp brands and CBD companies exist today? Well, below I’ve displayed proof of just how many search results exist for these two searches. There are 119 million results for hemp oil and 152 million search results for CBD oil.

Now, do you see how important it is to know the facts before buying any of these products? Anyway, let me get back to the basics of hemp and we’ll dive into brands, their reputation, and my overall product recommendations.
What Is Hemp?
Hemp is a variation of cannabis sativa. It is the most useful plant known to mankind. In fact, cannabis sativa means useful (sativa) hemp (cannabis). Hemp is not marijuana.
Hemp is used to make well over 25,000 consumer products. From hemp apparel and accessories to housewares, performance products, health supplements, and beauty cosmetics, hemp is an eco shopper’s dream and it’s turned into the first of choice for many. In 2020, people are using products containing hemp-derived CBD more than ever.
Some of the products made from industrial hemp are clothing, shoes, diapers, rope, canvas, cellophane, paints, fuels, chain lubricants, biodegradable plastics, paper, fiberboard, cement blocks, food, cosmetics, supplements, candles, vapes, and soap. Hemp is the longest and strongest natural fiber known to man. I’ve briefly covered many of the product types below…
For Food
Hemp seeds (which do not contain CBD) are drug-free and extremely nutritious. They can be eaten whole, pressed into edible oil like soybeans, or ground into flour for baking. They are one of the best sources of vegetable protein. Hemp seed has the second-highest amount of protein of any food (soy being the highest).
Did you know that hemp seed protein closely resembles the protein found in the human blood, making it easier to digest than soy protein?
They contain a full complement of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids (EFA’S), and have been shown to lower blood cholesterol and dissolve plaque in coronary arteries. As a supplement to the diet, these oils can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Hemp For Body Care
Hemp oil is perfectly suited for hair and skin care. Its nutritional value, combined with its moisturizing and replenishing EFA’s, makes it one of the best vegetable body care foundations.
Hemp oil’s EFA complement includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, linoleic acid, and gamma linoleic acids (GLA’s). Although they are very effective in skin care maintenance, GLA’s are rarely found in natural oils. Hemp is an excellent source of GLA’s.
Paper From Hemp
There is no tree or plant on Earth capable of producing as much paper per acre as hemp. Hemp paper is naturally acid-free.
The oldest printed paper in existence is a 100 percent hemp with Chinese text written that dates to 770 AD. Thomas Jefferson drafted both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution on hemp paper.
One acre of hemp can produce as much paper as four acres of trees. Hemp paper is suitable for recycle use 7 or 8 times, compared to 3 times for tree paper.
The hemp paper process also utilizes less energy and fewer chemicals than tree paper processing and doesn’t create the harmful dioxins, chloroform, or any of the other 2,000 chlorinated organic compounds that have been identified as byproducts of the wood paper process.
Hemp was an important source of paper fiber until the early 1900s when chemicals were developed to advance the wood paper pulp industry.
Wood pulp paper rode the chemical revolution to its apex before the public health hazards of toxic chemicals were an issue and before the environmental consequences of clear-cutting forests were appreciated.
Hemp is a sustainable, annual crop that is ready for harvest just 120 days after going to seed, compared to trees that take tens or hundreds of years to reach maturity.
Further, harvesting hemp doesn’t destroy the natural habitats of thousands of distinct animal and plant species.
Hemp As Fuel
Hemp seeds have provided a combustible fuel oil throughout human history. More importantly, though, the same high cellulose level that makes hemp ideal for paper also makes it perfect for ethanol fuel production. Ethanol is the cleanest-burning liquid bio-alternative to gasoline.
Ethanol is derived from plant cellulose. Plants absorb carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight and produce oxygen and cellulose, which contains the sun’s energy captured in plant cells.
When ethanol combusts, it releases energy, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is then absorbed by plants, along with water and sunlight, to create more oxygen and cellulose. It is a clean and sustainable cycle.
Since gasoline engines are a primary source of carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases, alternative fuels such as ethanol could contribute significantly to the rejuvenation of our atmospheric air quality. Hemp provides a sustainable, renewable, and natural alternative to toxic fossil fuels.
Hemp As CBD Oil
Now, for the main reason why people are so excited about hemp today – CBD oil. Cannabidiol can be found in just about every part of the hemp plant except for the seeds. This oil is nothing short of miraculous. It’s used as a natural alternative to help consumers manage pain, anxiety, and even improve their overall health and wellness.
What kind of products contain CBD today? The list is very long but to give you an idea, you’ll find capsules, topicals, gummies, pet treats, vape pens, vape juice, tinctures, bath bombs, eye creams, pain creams, capsules, roll-ons, joint supplements, powders, dabs, isolates, cosmetics, beard oils, cooking oils, honey, butter, lip balms and so much more. You name a product that you can ingest and there’s probably a company out there making it or in the process of making it.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CBD?
CBD is an acronym for cannbidiol. It’s a compound derived from a plant known as Cannabis Sativa aka marijuana. This is a non-psychoactive compound typically used to help people feel calm, less anxious, relaxed, as well as reducing physical pain.
What is CBD used for?
CBD is commonly used for relieving chronic pain, reducing anxiety as well as help individuals with insomnia.
Is CBD a drug?
Based on United States federal law, CBD is considered a Schedule I Controlled Substance. As of 5/16/2020, there are 17 states that allow the use of CBD. Here’s a full list of state CBD laws.
Does CBD get you high?
No, unlike THC, CBD does not get you high.
Are CBD gummies safe to take?
Yes, this is a safe and common form that many people take. However, you should consult with your physician before taking anything.
How much THC is in CBD oil?
In order to be classified as CBD, it must contain less than 0.3% THC. Therefore, there is usually less 0.3% THC in CBD.
How much is CBD oil?
On average, the cost of CBD oil is roughly $0.12 to $0.15 per mg. The price can go up to as high as $0.40 per mg or more at times.
What drugs should not be taken with CBD?
You should not take any drugs while using CBD. Drugs that should especially be avoided during the use of CBD are warfarin, theophylline, clobazam, valproate, and alcohol.
What does CBD stand for?
It stands for cannabidiol.
Where does CBD come from?
CBD comes from various parts of the hemp plant, usually a combo of stalk, leaves, stems, and flowers. It does NOT come from the hemp seed as there is no CBD in this part of the plant.
How To Decide What CBD Product To Buy
If you’re looking to purchase a product containing CBD, then you’re going to want to follow these four simple steps before buying.
1. Do Research
You’re reading this, so you are already doing the research necessary to make an informed purchasing decision.
2. Know Your Needs
It’s important to understand what you need versus what you might want. Knowing what you need and the problems you’re looking to solve will make your purchasing decision a whole lot easier and more cost effective.
3. Do Not Get Stuck
When presented with too many options, many people get stuck, freeze up and don’t make any decision at all. Don’t let this happen. Stay focused while doing your research and visit the sites offering products to drill down further. We make buying products very easy and convenient.
4. Trust Your Gut
After doing your research, you should trust that you’ve done what’s needed in order to make an informed decision to buy. Just trust your gut after narrowing down a few options and make a choice. The important thing here is that you do something and make a final decision.
Those four steps will help you find and make a decision of which CBD product to buy.
Brands & Products

As previously mentioned, there are thousands of brands that exist today and it’s more important than ever to do your research before buying anything especially hemp oil.
Don’t worry, has done all the research, testing, and investigating to help you make better buying decisions.
Some of the specific things covered include but not limited to are brand breakdowns, quality testing results, products, pricing, hemp or CBD origin, company policies, customer opinions, and more.
Feel free to scroll back up to the top of the page and do a search for a brand you’re interested in trying. Read the review, learn the truth, and then decide whether or not you want to make a purchase still.
If you’re looking for a few CBD brands to try today, then start by reading reviews on the companies listed below…

Visit this page to see all the brand reviews, conditions, guides, and more.
If you have checked social media or turned on the news lately, you probably have seen headlines on the legalization of medicinal marijuana. Far from the controversy on recreational marijuana, the usage of hemp oil (additionally referred to as CBD oil) now is vastly celebrated among doctors, scientists, and medical scientists studying CBD use as an alternative method and all for its benefits.
Buyer Guides and Types of Products
Everything You Must Know About Hemp Oil & CBD Products!
If you’ve got the mindset to want to find an alternative product to prescriptions and traditional medicine, then you might want to keep reading. But before getting started we must make one thing very clear. We comply with all FDA regulation and we do not endorse or approve of specific medical beenfits of using CBD oil other than improving overall wellness. We are not doctors and rather than doing so, we suggest you speak with your doctor or physician to learn the specifics of whether or not you should consider using CBD oil or hemp oil. Find out if it’s right for you before consuming.
Now that we’ve covered that…
Our plan here is to educate you on all things hemp so that you can make an educated decision to try the various types of products on the market today. A little research goes a long way and just taking a look around, you’ll come across plenty of tinctures, gummies, serums, and rubs to consider buying.
But first: Let’s get down to facts and science!
The use of this has given rise to the exploding medical marijuana industry, especially cannabidiol hemp oil, or simply CBD. Therefore, what is it? Touted highly for its health advantages, CBD Hemp Oil benefits are obtainable as a medically tested, natural, and safe.
The Hemp & CBD Oil Health Benefits
I know you’ve been dying to ask this question:
What are the potential health benefits of using CBD Hemp Oil?
The international medical and science communities now are aware of the advantages of Cannabidiol as a nutritional supplement, as well as are attempting to discover the right Cannabinoid content for its users.
Similarly, CBD oil’s healing possibility has begun to change how we imagine medicine, as well as preventing, not merely treating the symptoms of, disease. (However, it’s important to note that due to FDA Regulations, we’re not saying that this will prevent, treat, or cure any diseases at all). Because of new medical studies and credible research, regular folks also are becoming alert to the positive health advantages Cannabidiol may produce, yet without marijuana’s high.
It is vital to note that hemp and Cannabidiol oils are not yet approved as medicines by the Food and Drug Administration or any statements haven’t been assessed by the Food and Drug Administration. In spite of that lack of acknowledgment, there is a lengthy list of medicinal functionalities related to using quality Cannabidiol oil products.
As a matter of fact, some of the most respected and prominent names within the medical community advocated using CBD Hemp Oil as a legit alternative treatment, which includes the notable Doctor Sanja Gupta within his special on CNN entitled, “Weed.” Even though more studies are necessary, in the last 10 years, over 23,000 studies were published in medical journals and reviews that detail the pro-health and healing properties of cannabis oil and how they’ll work with cannabinoid receptors.
Even the pharmaceutical sector is beginning to get on board, because of the rising Cannabidiol demand, spotlighting the potential healing advantages of Cannabidiol, as well as commercial viability.
What Is CBD Oil?
We know you want to understand as much as you can on CBD oil benefits before considering using it as a wellness supplement. Therefore, let us take a look at the chemical compound which makes Cannabidiol Hemp oil:
Cannabidiol: it’s a natural compound taken from the marijuana or hemp plant. As a matter of fact, it is only one of the 85 cannabinoids that are present inside the cannabis plant, yet the CBD oil used medically and for sale most commonly derives from the hemp plant and not marijuana.
It is a vital distinction since Cannabidiol Hemp Oil from hemp has greater concentrations of Cannabidiol yet low levels of THC. THC is the sole chemical in marijuana which causes a psychotropic effect, also referred to as an intoxicating “high,” as ingested or smoked. And within marijuana, Cannabidiol compounds come second to THC in concentration levels. However, in hemp plants, Cannabidiol oil is the pre-eminent leading compound that only has minimal THC trace amounts.
How Do It Affect Your Body?
CBD affects the endocannabinoid system; a network of receptors mainly discovered in the immune system, central nervous system, and brain. The receptors trigger the release chemicals benefitting various body parts.
Our endocannabinoid system is critical to our body’s homeostasis, or natural function and balance, yet as the system becomes compromised, functions like sleep, mood, hormone regulation, appetite, immune response, and pain may be affected.
Discovered within all mammals, the endocannabinoid system is amongst the most critical regulatory systems in the body. However, with the modern-day diet, stressors, consumption of toxins, as well as adverse environmental conditions, our endocannabinoid system commonly is undernourished.
CBD Hemp Oil, thankfully, is an increasingly natural and safe therapeutic method of helping homeostasis and supporting a person’s overall health.
Are CBD Oils Legal To Use?
Medical marijuana products’ legalization is a swiftly evolving issue. Within the U.S., it’s legal in most states, with more people acknowledging the health advantages and legalizing it all of the time. But, in a few states, it still is illegal. Other states legalized marijuana and CBD oils for medicinal use, yet require that a user apply for special certification and licensing.
During the time of this post, the Food and Drug Administration – a federal agency – hasn’t yet approved Cannabidiol oil as a treatment for certain medical conditions.
Now, here’s the good news: Cannabidiol oils are legal to be manufactured and sold in all fifty states. This is a fact because Cannabidiols derives from the Cannabis Sativa strain of a plant, containing just trace TCH levels. (It is the strain Cannabis Indica which has higher THC levels and is used or smoked for recreational reasons.)
Therefore, Cannabidiol oils and hemp oils sourced from Cannabis Sativa are legal to buy anywhere in America.
Cannabidiol Hemp Oil: Is It Safe To Take?
CBD Hemp Oil is a legitimate and safe product that may offer a plethora of health and medical benefits.
There aren’t any reports of fatalities or overdoses from CBD oil. But, to ensure safety and responsibility, it is recommended that one begin with a minimal dose and just increase consumption gradually by small increments. This approach is going to make it simple for users to figure out their sweet spot and enjoy all of Cannabidiol’s benefits.
Even though there isn’t any reported quantity of CBD oil that could prove lethal, users still are encouraged to exercise moderation and caution with dosages. In discovering your own comfortable dose and not to overdo it, you will accomplish the optimal benefits. If you determine to increase the dosage, it’s better to talk to your doctor first.
Most importantly, be certain that you buy CBD from a well-established and trusted source. Perform your own research on the leading brands of CBD for sale in the marketplace.
CBD/Hemp Oil Forms For Consumption
How you administer CBD into your system is going to depend on the medical symptoms you want to relieve. However, it’ll come in many various forms, which include mixed into gels or creams, fit into capsules to be orally taken, rubbed into your skin, or sprayed into your mouth.
But, if you want to experience the most therapeutic, direct CBD benefits, it’s recommended to either buy capsules or oil tincture. Of course, capsules are swallowed, while the tincture is put underneath your tongue for fast absorption.
Some are more comfortable with Cannabidiol in gums, chocolate bars, and mouth strips, so try different forms if you are a novice until you discover one which is better suited for you.
You also may blend the use of two forms of oil, like skin cream and a capsule, to maximize desired results. Keep in mind that CBD oil has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration so speak with your healthcare provider before you use it if there are any concerns.
Drug Testing Implications
Of course, you might have concerns regarding taking hemp oil or Cannabidiol oil if you’re going to be drug tested. Since most private-sector employees and all federal employees must undergo drug testing, we want to place your mind at ease. While it’s a safe cannabis plant extraction, it isn’t marijuana.
The majority of folks are tested for marijuana presence in the urine. The cutoff level for a urine screen that is positive for marijuana is at 50ng/ml immunoassay, according to the SAMHSA (Substance Abused and Mental Health Services Administration). However, rest assured that this very sensitive drug test does not even detect cannabinoids besides THC.
That means that users of CBD might go through regular urine drug screening without having to fear that their results are going to come out positive. Even the ones who routinely use the pills or oil in large dosages don’t need to be concerned with getting a positive result on the drug test.
Even in the extremely unlikely event that there’s a false positive test, follow-up GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) tests are implemented to check positive THC traces in the urine. The cut-off GC/MS screening level is established at 15 ng/ml and mainly detects the primary metabolite discovered in THC. The GC/MS test is the confirmatory diagnostic test which may tell if someone has greater than normal levels of THC.
Testing positive for cannabis virtually is impossible if you buy quality hemp products from reputable sources since they contain low THC levels – typically 1/300th or 1/100th the THC that is discovered in the recreational cannabis the test is screening for. If there are additional questions about what Cannabidiol is and potential CBD Hemp Oil advantages, do not hesitate to speak with your physician.
Suggested Daily Dosage Of Cannabidiol?
Before starting to use any product for medicinal reasons, it is vital that you research the proper dose, and that includes Cannabidiol oil for sale. Even though most states legalized medical marijuana’s use, some health professionals and doctors still are cautious about prescribing such products because of a lack of knowledge in regard to the correct dose based upon various medical conditions.
CBD is a newcomer in the pharmacology world, therefore it’s hard to identify standard and safe dosing to remove the best benefits of CBD oil. Thankfully, research is underway which will offer medical experts guidelines and oversight on efficient dosing schedules for clinical marijuana, which includes CBD.
If you’re looking to digest some regulations that have been proposed for controlled consumption, then I suggest checking out the following bullet points. They clearly explain dosage facts to consider…
Different Dosages For Different People
As all people are different, dosing also should be given on a case-by-case basis. As you might feel profound positive effects with a single CBD capsule, there are some who have to increase the dosage to accomplish that same effect. In order to responsibly use this wellness supplement, it is better to always begin with the smallest size of your preferred oil variant, and slowly increase dosage until you attain the desired result. The FDA does not allow us to give specific dosing details.
Ask Questions And Always Be Alert
Be alert to the concentration of oil which may vary across manufacturers and products; therefore, ask wherever you view CBD oil for sale. You will discover some which contain a minimum standard of just 1 milligram/ dose, while other ones begin at 100 milligrams/ dose. As a standard unit of measurement is utilized, it relatively is easy for users to identify the perfect dose for their needs.
Dosages and Medical Conditions
The dose largely will depend upon your wellness condition, as well as your body’s response to the oil, as different folks can see the relief of symptoms at various rates and degrees.
Most Common Question
This is perhaps the most common question asked and we’re glad that people are asking it!
Is there any difference between Cannabidiol oil from marijuana oils and hemp extract?
Here is exactly what you need to know about this…
CBD from the hemp seeds or a hemp stalk is thought to be safer than oils taken from the marijuana plant, and thereby more preferable. Moreover, there might be some legal problems with marijuana oils; thereby, it is suggested that for health benefits, it’s possible to a CBD oil for sale from a reputable, trusted source.
Since hemp contains low quantities of THC, it’ll become a more favorable product to consume for those who’d enjoy experiencing the therapeutic advantages of hemp oil without the typical THC-associated symptoms. Plainly put, Cannabidiol Hemp Oil products generate all of the wellness benefits without the unneeded high from Tetrahydrocannabinol.
How Cannabis Oils Differ From One Another
CBD oil, what is it if not a healthy and natural holistic treatment? And this means that there isn’t any critical difference in the composition and makeup of CBD’s taken from Cannabis Sativa, and the ones made from Cannabis Indica. Here’s the variance: some products might have more cannabis oil than other ones, and thereby be more potent. There’s Cannabidiol which contains additives, yet the ones who choose pure CBD may resort to instead using the oil. The active compound is there in all products and just differs in concentration and strength.
There isn’t any research yet as to what’s more potent between the oil taken from a marijuana plant and Cannabidiol. The sole difference between them is that CBD oil from hemp goes through a gentler process of extraction; therefore, it may generate oils that have a greater concentration of CBD. Since cannabis oils might feature higher levels of THC and might come with legal problems, most oil on the market comes from the industrial hemp plant, which makes a more accessible and safer product for the general public.